Saturday, January 10, 2009

Jai Anjaneya

"adyarlan erangu ",shouted the conductor even as he blew the whistle.The ever-crowded metropolitan bus screeched to a halt.An exodus of people rushed inside the bus even as a few hapless co-passengers struggled to find a place to stand inside.To my left was a fat short lady in her fifties presumably,vying to find a seat to herself even as the rest of us barely managed to remain standing ;rather wrangled to prevent a near stampede.Perhaps it may be her poor health or whatever,she demanded a co-passenger,another lady to vacate her seat in vain.For the next few minutes it was an ordeal for the junta in her near vicinity(including me) as she jostled her elbow in every direction.The unrelenting lady,then found her place in a "gents" seat in the bus ,by making a poor young chap to get up from the seat.That quelled the prevailing tension.Well i just wonder what would have been the consequence had a guy done the same by trying to occupy a "ladies" seat???

A few years ago, while i was in high school i remember the CBSE issuing a directive to the affliated schools,to provide free education to all girl students who are "single child" in their family.This move was aimed at preventing gender based educational discrimination against girl child.Well it was quite a noble intention trying to alleviate the gender based discrimination suffered by the so called weaker sex.However such a move would force the schools to either reduce teacher pay or increase fee for boys, which is discrimination against boys.A point to be noted here is that most of the CBSE schools in Tamil nadu atleast if not the country on the whole , are situated in urban areas.Which means, the students are generally from the middle classes and upper-middle classes;in-short the educated classes who are well acquainted in the policy of providing equal educational oppurtunities to boys and girls.

Sir Winston Churchill once said of Russia," It is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma".Perhaps that definition can aptly suit the description of a woman's mind.Perhaps it may be the reason some wiseacre branded that women are from a different planet. The Poor dude might have tried to sail in troubled waters, attempting to understand something which can never be understood.A work of fiction ,Digital Fortress by Dan Brown had the author explaining a certain Bergofsky principle( not too sure if its existent!!) which explains that no computer encryption algorithm standard is unbreakable.Perhaps it may nt be totally unfair to extend this as " no woman's mind is completely comprehensible". But who cares really huh..A female befriends a guy and carries on being a "good friend", knowing he is onto her seriously.But she has the choice to deny any such intentions ,knowing clearly she is onto someone else.What would have transpired had a guy done the same thing.Simple ,society has a label waiting to brand him ."womaniser".Well whoever feels its a chauvinistic world should better sit back and read a paperback like Michael Crichton's Disclosure.Its a battle of sexes everywhere and women cry foul,even as they bridge the gap with men.Well still no hard feelings, as we hail, " Jai Anjaneya!!!"