Monday, February 4, 2008

blindfolded at the crossroads!!!!

Today's youngsters are really caught in a trap.Confused as they are by the complexities in life.On the threshold to a future which holds a lot of promises;the road to greener pastures is neither clear of road blocks nor is it devoid of stepping stones.On the verge of better prospects a lot of crucial decisions are at stake.Often relying on their peers to make decisions,most of them dont know what they really want to do.They end up doing what they dont have any aptitude for.Many youngsters are really confused at the high school level regarding the choice of the subjects;not many are given the freedom to choose what they want to.Every year thousands of students land up in engineering colleges without any real motivation or a real interest in the subjects.Like the race horse, they are made to look forward in just one direction without any sense of purpose.Ask questions and you will be met by a stare or a remark,"do as you are told"..I was fortunate enough in having a wonderful chemistry teacher while in school who would make every student participate in the class,by constantly pulling out pupils and throwing questions .This made learning fun and at the same time encouraged the brilliant students to explore the depths ,while the average student was convinced of the basics.This is just an example of how a student should be trained to be.Unfortunately in our country where quantity assures importance over quality, this is not the case.Students are expected to learn or rather cram a given set of topics to clear the examinations and enter the next stage.Consequently the teacher has just about sufficient time to train his students to face the exam.This spoils the student's chances of truly appreciating the concepts.As a result this continues at the university level also and students pursue their courses without any aptitude.Placement seems to be the word on everyone's lips .The very purpose of education for the majority is thus earn a degree after 4 years of college life and land up in a IT job with a fat pay check.


sir_chandraa1 said...

A wonderfully written blog centred around a very important issue that can mar the future of the nation called INDIA.

Unknown said...

A thoughtful blog on a serious issue that every student needs to understand...

RAGHS said...

A very serious blog on a very serious and concerning issue. A issue which is severly hitting the core companies very hard. This situation wont change for the next few years. But one hopes things change drastically.......

Unknown said...

gr8 1