Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Finally the day dawned.It was a morning i wasn't really looking forward to.28 days of non-stop freedom had come to an end. 5:55 as the third of my preset alarms went off from my mobile i finally decided to wake up...Blow it was really irritating trying to stay awake when you really want to sleep tightly...It took me around 10 minutes to shave and shower and another 5 minutes to get ready..Breakfast it was 6:25 am on the clock and i had difficuilty in pushing it down my throat at this time of the day especially when my day never really kick started at not earlier than 11 in the last one month....Anyways i hit the road at 6:35 and it was a 6 minute walk to my bus-stop..Flashes of memory came back to me..I could see a 10 month younger version of myself walking to the bus-stop..It was august last year and it was Orientation/First day in college...After about a 55 minute ride we reached college..I went inside my department and started scouting for my classroom..I found it and thank -god the last-bench was empty and beckoning me to occupy it...8:10 am , a lecturer entered the room and introduced herself..5 minutes later she was briefing us about the subject syllabus and my eye-lids were oscillating;trying my best not to sleep on the very first day first hour..My hopes for a promising start to a new semester ( by trying to be attentive) came crashing down like a pack of cards as the subsequent periods were no less different.Each and every lecturer started his or her subject immediately;As if the whole semester's result would be altered if one day was free...Anyways no more complaints..I had felt a sensation of deja-vu in the morning before coming to college..But perhaps i was wrong that i felt it resembled the very first day of first year..It was more like resuming from where we left off last year.....


GP said...

hey . . .nice post dude . . .i share ur feelin . . .its a bad precedent . . .hope things easen out as time goes by

Unknown said...

Gud one :D Gud for u tht u can atleast sleep!! I cant do it even if i want 2 cos all the teachers kno my name n they'l b waitin to "catch me red-handed" if i put a toe outta line *phew!!* :P

Nithin Balasubramanian said...

@ vaish..u r probly new to this..shud learn to evade them...